Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Trying to Catch Up~

WOW~ I have really got to play catch up!
Where has the time gone! I realize I havent posted in so long. You don't really realize how much you do in a months time (or 3 for that matter). Let me see, where do I begin...

January - We celebrated Kenton's 13th B-day! Hold on.... let me get a hankie! - tear! I can't believe my fist born is 13 years old! 13!! in 13 years from now he will be 26! wow... I'm just going to put that thought in the back of my head! He is getting so big and is becoming such a wonderful big Man!

February - They found 5 more tumors in Mother's brain and she underwent 14 rounds of full brain radiation treatment. She is doing better and hopefully we will have great results the next MRI - scheduled for March 25 - send up prayers!

March - We had our last snow of the season... it wasn't much but hey... it was snow none the less! Peyton was so excited; he got to make a snowman and then Kenton joined in on the fun! I think they did a wonderful job! The eyes are radishes and the nose is a carrot!

Well that about wraps it up for the month of March! I have some very exciting news coming up very soon!! can't wait to share! but for now you will just have to wait~ blessings, marylee

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