Saturday, December 1, 2007

Fall has come and gone and today I'm going to get ready for Chirstmas! We had a great time on Halloween and Thanksgiving. I ment to post some pics so here they are... better late than never~

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Why do I love these old things so much? I do... the older the better, the more chipped the better, the junkier the better. I think because it has such a history. You know, if this piece could talk, I wonder what stories it would tell.
I love this old glass; the color is so pretty. I love the way the sun catches its stories and holds them inside but lets just enough color out to make me love it!

Saturday, October 13, 2007

How did you get to here. It seems like yesterday I was playing beautiful symphony music for you and now you are playing beautiful music to me. You have only been playing the flute for about 6 weeks now and even though you only know a few songs, I think they are fabulous! I love watching your fingers and your hands. They are still like they were when you were a baby- and that is the image I want to hold on to.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Be Still and Listen

It seems that my prayer list is getting longer and longer. I am trying so hard to be still and listen but the things I want right now are not what God has planned at this very moment.... I know God's time table is much better than mine.
On my prayer list right now I am praying for: My Mother and her battle to beat this lung cancer. As she continues to get better, she is still having a hard time after chemo. I hate that she is sick afterwards, but I just have to keep telling myself that things are working! My House- I really need for my house to sell - NOW! This has been the hardest 7 months for our family. I know there is a reason we are still here, but I just don't know what it is. Jakayla- I pray that she will continue to get better from her struggle with leukemia and that she and Kieanna will soon be delivered from all this strain. Ashley's baby- prayers are being lifted up for this precious little baby. He is so tiny. My family-give us strength and help us to come together. I know... I need to be still and listen.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

A Blessed Life

Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow! We got the best news today!! Mother had her CAT scan today and the tumor has shrunk to less than half the size it was!!! What a miracle! She is going to continue the chemo treatment. She feels so much better and looks better too! Needless to say we are so excited about this news.

Thank you so much for praying for her.
God IS Good!

Thursday, August 16, 2007

First Day of School~Again!?

WOW! The First Day of School already!?!? The summer has gone by so fast. I really don't know where it went. So, here we are into another school year. This year we are into the new SSA! The new "standard school attire". I love it! There is no fuss no muss! There has been so much argument about kids not being able to "express themselves"... WHAT!?! Are they really supposed to "express themselves" through their clothes... I thought they were supposed to "express themselves" through their MINDS and ACTIONS! Give me a break~ parents, teach your children to "express themselves" by doing good for others, being kind to one another, helping their fellow friend; who has no clothes. Teach your children to hit the books not the mall! Parents~ get involved in your child's life, education, classroom, teacher, school, and friends.

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Time in a Bottle

I have been doing a lot of thinking lately about "this time last year". I have had so many things happen to me recently and all I can think about is "this time last year" or "this time 20 years ago, or 12 years ago, or 10 years ago. It just goes to show you that you really don't have control of your destiny. God's plan is much bigger than yours- if you look back and do the old "if I had it to do all over" thing, and try to think of your life as if you did it over, just think all the good you would have missed and how messed up your life really would have been.

This time last year I was in Mexico having a blast- now I am taking care of my Mother who has stage 4 lung cancer. This has been a very rough weekend, nothing like "this time last year". I wish my Mother was on the beach right now; breathing the wonderful sea air on her own- without the aid of this machine and all the drugs she is on and all the chemo and radiation she has going through her body. It makes me wonder about "this time next year".

I pray that God will give me the patients to accept "time" on his schedule. Cherish your time now and make the most of everyday.
*this is a picture of Mother and George-her "sweetie pie" on her birthday- July 30, 2005

Friday, June 15, 2007

finishing my degree
i know, i know, it's been a while since i posted.... i have been a little busy! i am trying to finish my degree, something i should have done YEARS ago!! so in between family and work there is school. now don't get me wrong; i love going to school... it's just i feel like i am so close and it wont happen. i know it will, i just have to be patient!