Sunday, August 24, 2008

CuPcaKe ObSEsSiOn~

O.K. enough already!! My name is MaryLee and I'm a Cupcake-A-Holic. There, I said it! I've gone crazy lately making cupcakes. I go to bed at night thinking up new cupcake recipes. I wake up thinking up new cupcake recipes. And now I have to admit that today while in the middle of Sunday School, I had a new cupcake recipe thought... is that a form of lust? I have this notion that I want to start a cupcake business. There is the perfect place right in the middle of downtown and it would be great! I've talked to a few local people about it and they all think it's a great idea.... so what's stopping me you ask- M*O*N*E*Y~ plain and simple... you gotta have some dough to make something out of dough, and in my case, cake batter... sorry bad pun~

Anyway, I spent all day last Friday making cupcakes. I made 5 different kinds. Each better than the next. I tell you it's insanity! Now I'm not talking about the little dinky cupcakes you make for a b-day party, no I'm talking about hunkin' big jumbo cupcakes! Each are YUMMMAZZZING!! I'm trying really hard not to eat them. I've been doing a lot of walking lately so maybe that is helping... hey I'm drinking diet coke with them, doesn't that off set calories?!

So if you think you might like some really good cupcakes email me and I'll ship some to you. They are really fresh and really good! I'll let you know if I ever get the money to open a Cupcake Shoppe but for now, I'll just keep making them at home!

Sweet Cupcake Dreams~

S'mores Cupcake~ tastes just like you were sitting around a campfire!

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