Sunday, July 13, 2008

~H*O*T and BuBbLeY~

It's official! The Hot Tub is up and running!!
Ken and the boys had fun getting the hot tub cleaned out, filled up and up and running! It rained most of the day and they had to let the chemicals calm down so they plan to be in it first thing tomorrow!

We have big plans for this area of our back yard.
Ken's grass - the real kind- is finally growing and it's coming in really nice! We want to put up white lights in the tree and put up tiki toarches! We are also going to get the patio furniture fixed up so we can enjoy dinner outside~ should be fun! More on our back yard adventures to come!

Friday, July 4, 2008

Happy 4th of July!

I just love this holiday! It markes the middle of the summer and it brings out the patriotism in everyone! I love the fan fair everyone gives to this holiday. This has always been a really fun holiday for our family. July 4th was the first official holiday Ken and I celebrated. We have always gotten or been around fireworks. For as long as I can remember we have always made our yearly trek to the fireworks stand and come out with a huge lute... but this year was different. We went to the stand but didn't purchase anything.... it seems that here in NC you can't shoot them in your yard... well heck who would want to with all the trees around us!! So this year we went downtown to watch the local volunteer fire department shoot them off! Before the show began we had a huge downpour of rain! But it was kinda nice because it cooled everything down. Just as it got dark the rain let up and the fireworks began! It was beautiful! They did a great job!
The best part of watching the fireworks was watching the kids faces as the fireworks made their imprint in the dark sky. I am so thankful for my freedom and for this country. I am so thankful to our forefathers that helped make this country what it is today and for those that are serving today to keep it the land of the free! I'm so thankful for my independence. And I'm thankful that I can live in a country where I can worship Jesus Christ! I hope that everyone had a great 4th of July!